
- When a mother is happy, everyone is happy.
- SING. Moods are contagious.
- So much of our time is spent on housework, that it is a means of expressing our attitudes about life in general. If we hate it and kvetch, our children will feel rejected. But if we do it joyfully, then all those around us will feel loved.
- Every home is a mini Beis Hamikdash (Sanctuary).
- A home is a home, not a museum.
- Staying up very late usually results in an unproductive next day. One can't burn a candle at both ends.
- When you're not feeling well, cancel any extra-heavy activities for the day.
- Never, never compare yourself to others. You don't know their energy level, financial situation, stresses, health, etc. Do the best YOU can.
- Ask for help when help is needed. People will respect you more. Don't be ashamed.
- Use the telephone wisely. Plan things you can do while talking. Do not let the telephone control your life. Unplug it when needed. BEWARE OF THE PHONE!
- Don't let your children become "emotional orphans:" It's possible to "be home a lot" and yet not "be there." Children won't remember how clean the floor was, but they will remember the quality time you spent with them.
- Bored and depressed? Get involved and get out! Volunteer! Do acts of chesed (kindness), give to others and discover those activities that bring you JOY!
- Decide what NOT to do, when you tend to overDO !
- Tape this saying on your fridge: "THIS TOO WILL PASS… "
- Make lists! There's so much that we need to remember and do! No wonder our heads are spinning and we sometimes feel as if we are overwhelmed. The pleasure of list-making is the satisfaction you feel in crossing off the items you've done.
- You, as a mother, should know who you are and what you want. Know that YOU are a living example and that YOU ARE the most important person in your children's world. You are the one whom they look up to and will imitate and follow.
- In a family of several children, there are times when children will feel that you are favoring another sibling over them. You must let them know clearly that there are many people in the world and several children in each family, but that each and every one is different and unique and has a special mission in life. Every child is special in his or her own way and each child is important and vital in Hashem's world.
- Look for small opportunities to spend time alone with each child, even if only for a few minutes. It makes the child feel very special.
- Before your little child goes to sleep at night, tell him that you love him and that you are the richest person in the world because you have a child like him. Watch his eyes light up…
- Let your children know how precious, special, loved and important they are. Tell them that as soon as they were born, you lit an extra Shabbat candle and thus the world became a brighter place because of them…